Voting begins Wednesday, July 10 at 12:01 a.m.
Heres how to vote:
1. To start, navigate to the group of categories you’d like to vote in on the ballot and click the black button with colored text to access those categories.
- Arts & Community
- Family
- Pets
- Home & Home Services
- Business & Pro Services
- Shopping
- Health & Fitness
- Food & Drink
2. The list of categories in that particular group will appear in alphabetical order on the left side of the ballot.
3. For each category, scroll through the list on the right to ensure you see all entrants. Most categories have between 5 to 8 nominees. A few categories, where competition was tough and nominations were tied, may have 10 or 11.
4. Determine the nominee you think is the best, then click on the green “VOTE” button next to it.
5. If you haven’t previously used that browser to nominate or vote, it will ask you for your email address at this time. Enter your email address and complete the registration process.
6. If you make a mistake, just click on “CHANGE VOTE” to fix the error by voting for another entrant.
If the business you voted for has their logo on the ballot, it will appear with a green stripe across the top of the logo to indicate that you’ve cast your vote for that business.
That’s it! There is no final “Submit” button.
You may vote one time per category.
Voting ends at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, June 31, 2024.